Stanowisko: adiunkt Telefon: +48 32 603 4156 Email: Krystian.Mistewicz@polsl.pl Adres: ul. Krasińskiego 8, p.168 PL-40-019 Katowice |
Zainteresowania naukowe:
- Sonochemiczne wytwarzanie nanomateriałów, np. jodosiarczku antymonu (SbSI),
- Zgrzewanie ultradźwiękowe nanostruktur (nanodrutów SbSI oraz nanorurek węglowych wypełnionych SbSI) z mikroelektrodami metalowymi,
- Sensory gazów, czujniki wilgotności i fotodetektory wykonane z pojedynczych nanodrutów SbSI,
- Badania własności elektrycznych, fotoelektrycznych i sensorowych nanomateriałów,
- Mikromontaż struktur sensorowych w obudowach TO,
- Syntetyzowanie monodyspersyjnych nanosfer krzemionkowych SiO2 dla potrzeb wytwarzania kryształów fotonicznych na bazie SbSI.
2019 |
Mistewicz, K; Jesionek, M; Nowak, M; Kozioł, M SbSeI pyroelectric nanogenerator for a low temperature waste heat recovery Journal Article Nano Energy, 64 , pp. 103906, 2019, ISSN: 2211-2855. @article{MISTEWICZ2019103906, title = {SbSeI pyroelectric nanogenerator for a low temperature waste heat recovery}, author = {K. Mistewicz and M. Jesionek and M. Nowak and M. Kozioł}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211285519306135}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.103906}, issn = {2211-2855}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, journal = {Nano Energy}, volume = {64}, pages = {103906}, abstract = {The low-grade waste heat, which constitutes majority of the total waste heat produced in industrial sector, is very difficult to be recovered. Pyroelectric materials have recently received a great attention for harvesting waste heat due to their ability to convert temperature fluctuations into an electrical energy. A simple, scalable and cheap fabrication method of pyroelectric nanogenerator (PENG) based on antimony selenoiodide (SbSeI) is presented for the first time. It involves a sonochemical synthesis of SbSeI nanowires and their high pressure (100 MPa) compression at room temperature into a bulk sample. Fabricated device has been subjected to thermal fluctuations, thereby generating an electric signal which has been highly correlated to the thermal input. SbSeI PENG has generated electric output up to 11 nA with power density of 0.59(4) μW/m2 upon exposure to heat-cool condition for a temperature variation from 324 K to 334 K. Presented paper reports also the temperature dependences of electric conductance and pyroelectric coefficient of compressed SbSeI nanowires, which has reached the maximum value of 44(5) nC/(cm2K) at 327 K.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The low-grade waste heat, which constitutes majority of the total waste heat produced in industrial sector, is very difficult to be recovered. Pyroelectric materials have recently received a great attention for harvesting waste heat due to their ability to convert temperature fluctuations into an electrical energy. A simple, scalable and cheap fabrication method of pyroelectric nanogenerator (PENG) based on antimony selenoiodide (SbSeI) is presented for the first time. It involves a sonochemical synthesis of SbSeI nanowires and their high pressure (100 MPa) compression at room temperature into a bulk sample. Fabricated device has been subjected to thermal fluctuations, thereby generating an electric signal which has been highly correlated to the thermal input. SbSeI PENG has generated electric output up to 11 nA with power density of 0.59(4) μW/m2 upon exposure to heat-cool condition for a temperature variation from 324 K to 334 K. Presented paper reports also the temperature dependences of electric conductance and pyroelectric coefficient of compressed SbSeI nanowires, which has reached the maximum value of 44(5) nC/(cm2K) at 327 K. |
2018 |
Jesionek, M; Nowak, M; Mistewicz, K; Kępińska, M; Stróż, D; Bednarczyk, I; Paszkiewicz, R Sonochemical growth of nanomaterials in carbon nanotube Journal Article Ultrasonics, 83 , pp. 179 - 187, 2018, ISSN: 0041-624X, (Ultrasonic advances applied to materials science). @article{JESIONEK2018179, title = {Sonochemical growth of nanomaterials in carbon nanotube}, author = {M. Jesionek and M. Nowak and K. Mistewicz and M. Kępińska and D. Stróż and I. Bednarczyk and R. Paszkiewicz}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0041624X16303936}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2017.03.014}, issn = {0041-624X}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, journal = {Ultrasonics}, volume = {83}, pages = {179 - 187}, abstract = {Recent achievements in investigations of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) filled with ternary chalcohalides (antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) and antimony selenoiodide (SbSeI)) are presented. Parameters of sonochemical encapsulation of nanocrystalline semiconducting ferroelectric SbSI-type materials in CNTs are reported. This low temperature technology is convenient, fast, efficient and environmentally friendly route for producing novel type of hybrid materials useful for nanodevices. Structure as well as optical and electrical properties of SbSI@CNTs and SbSeI@CNTs are described. Advantages of ultrasonic joining of such filled CNTs with metal microelectrodes are emphasized. The possible applications of these nanomaterials as gas sensors are shown.}, note = {Ultrasonic advances applied to materials science}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Recent achievements in investigations of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) filled with ternary chalcohalides (antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) and antimony selenoiodide (SbSeI)) are presented. Parameters of sonochemical encapsulation of nanocrystalline semiconducting ferroelectric SbSI-type materials in CNTs are reported. This low temperature technology is convenient, fast, efficient and environmentally friendly route for producing novel type of hybrid materials useful for nanodevices. Structure as well as optical and electrical properties of SbSI@CNTs and SbSeI@CNTs are described. Advantages of ultrasonic joining of such filled CNTs with metal microelectrodes are emphasized. The possible applications of these nanomaterials as gas sensors are shown. |
2016 |
Mistewicz, K; Nowak, M; Starczewska, A; Jesionek, M; Rzychoń, T; Wrzalik, R; Guiseppi-Elie, A Determination of electrical conductivity type of SbSI nanowires Journal Article Materials Letters, 182 , pp. 78 - 80, 2016, ISSN: 0167-577X. @article{Mistewicz201678, title = {Determination of electrical conductivity type of SbSI nanowires}, author = {K. Mistewicz and M. Nowak and A. Starczewska and M. Jesionek and T. Rzychoń and R. Wrzalik and A. Guiseppi-Elie}, url = {//www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167577X16310291}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2016.06.073}, issn = {0167-577X}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, journal = {Materials Letters}, volume = {182}, pages = {78 - 80}, abstract = {Abstract This paper presents for the first time qualitatively different DC electrical responses of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires on hydrogen and oxygen. The effect produced by adsorbed gas on the electrical conductance can be used for determination of electrical conductivity type of investigated nanomaterials. Electrical conductance of the SbSI nanowires increases due to adsorption of O2 molecules (known as electron acceptors) and decreases due to adsorption of H2 molecules (known as electron donors). Such behavior proves the p-type electrical conductivity of investigated SbSI nanowires.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Abstract This paper presents for the first time qualitatively different DC electrical responses of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires on hydrogen and oxygen. The effect produced by adsorbed gas on the electrical conductance can be used for determination of electrical conductivity type of investigated nanomaterials. Electrical conductance of the SbSI nanowires increases due to adsorption of O2 molecules (known as electron acceptors) and decreases due to adsorption of H2 molecules (known as electron donors). Such behavior proves the p-type electrical conductivity of investigated SbSI nanowires. |
2014 |
Jesionek, M; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Kępińska, M; Mistewicz, K; Toroń, B; Stróż, D; Szala, J; Rzychoń, T Properties of Sonochemically Prepared CuInxGa1-xS2 and CuInxGa1-xSe2 Journal Article Acta Physica Polonica A, 126 (5), pp. 1107 - 1109, 2014. @article{Jesionek2014, title = {Properties of Sonochemically Prepared CuInxGa1-xS2 and CuInxGa1-xSe2}, author = {M. Jesionek and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and M. Kępińska and K. Mistewicz and B. Toroń and D. Stróż and J. Szala and T. Rzychoń }, url = {http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/126/a126z5p14.pdf}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1107}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-11-01}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {126}, number = {5}, pages = {1107 - 1109}, abstract = {Nanoparticles of chalcopyrites copper indium gallium sulfide (CuInxGa1-xS2 or CIGS) and copper indium gallium selenide (CuInxGa1-xSe2 or CIGSe) were fabricated sonochemically. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The electrical and photoelectrical properties of the fabricated nanomaterials were investigated.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Nanoparticles of chalcopyrites copper indium gallium sulfide (CuInxGa1-xS2 or CIGS) and copper indium gallium selenide (CuInxGa1-xSe2 or CIGSe) were fabricated sonochemically. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The electrical and photoelectrical properties of the fabricated nanomaterials were investigated. |
Kępińska, M; Starczewska, A; Bednarczyk, I; Szala, J; Szperlich, P; Mistewicz, K Fabrication and characterisation of SbI3-opal structures Journal Article Materials Letters, 130 (0), pp. 17 - 20, 2014, ISSN: 0167-577X. @article{Kêpiñska201417, title = {Fabrication and characterisation of SbI3-opal structures}, author = {M. Kępińska and A. Starczewska and I. Bednarczyk and J. Szala and P. Szperlich and K. Mistewicz}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167577X1400843X}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2014.05.063}, issn = {0167-577X}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-09-01}, journal = {Materials Letters}, volume = {130}, number = {0}, pages = {17 - 20}, abstract = {Abstract This work is focused on forming opal-antimony triiodide (SbI3) structures with direct SiO2 opal. SbI3 is a semiconductor having relatively high refractive index so potentially is very useful in fabrication of photonic crystal. Additionally, crystalline SbI3 exhibits the second-harmonic generation so obtained structures provide a wide range of opportunities for optoelectronic devices. Presented structures are fabricated by infiltration opal with SbI3 dissolved in ethanol and drying in room temperature. The morphology of the samples was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical composition of the samples was analyzed using energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). Optical properties were investigated by reflectance spectroscopy for wavelengths from 380 nm to 1050 nm.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Abstract This work is focused on forming opal-antimony triiodide (SbI3) structures with direct SiO2 opal. SbI3 is a semiconductor having relatively high refractive index so potentially is very useful in fabrication of photonic crystal. Additionally, crystalline SbI3 exhibits the second-harmonic generation so obtained structures provide a wide range of opportunities for optoelectronic devices. Presented structures are fabricated by infiltration opal with SbI3 dissolved in ethanol and drying in room temperature. The morphology of the samples was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical composition of the samples was analyzed using energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). Optical properties were investigated by reflectance spectroscopy for wavelengths from 380 nm to 1050 nm. |
Nowak, M; Mistewicz, K; Nowrot, A; Szperlich, P; Jesionek, M; Starczewska, A Transient characteristics and negative photoconductivity of SbSI humidity sensor Journal Article Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 210 (0), pp. 32 - 40, 2014, ISSN: 0924-4247. @article{Nowak201432, title = {Transient characteristics and negative photoconductivity of SbSI humidity sensor}, author = {M. Nowak and K. Mistewicz and A. Nowrot and P. Szperlich and M. Jesionek and A. Starczewska}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924424714000685}, doi = {10.1016/j.sna.2014.02.004}, issn = {0924-4247}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical}, volume = {210}, number = {0}, pages = {32 - 40}, abstract = {Abstract This paper presents the influence of water vapor on the photoconductivity of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires obtained sonochemically. It is done to explore the applicability of SbSI photoconductor as a humidity sensor. Character of the response of DC photoconductivity current on the switching on and switching off illumination of SbSI gel depends on relative humidity (RH) of nitrogen environment. While positive photoconductivity is observed for low RH, the negative effect occurs for high RH. The least square fitting of the transient characteristics of photoconductivity allowed to present equivalent photoelectric model of SbSI gel. The changes of the parameters of the model with increasing humidity and illumination intensity are presented. Mechanism of light-induced desorption of H2O from SbSI nanowires’ surface is discussed.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Abstract This paper presents the influence of water vapor on the photoconductivity of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires obtained sonochemically. It is done to explore the applicability of SbSI photoconductor as a humidity sensor. Character of the response of DC photoconductivity current on the switching on and switching off illumination of SbSI gel depends on relative humidity (RH) of nitrogen environment. While positive photoconductivity is observed for low RH, the negative effect occurs for high RH. The least square fitting of the transient characteristics of photoconductivity allowed to present equivalent photoelectric model of SbSI gel. The changes of the parameters of the model with increasing humidity and illumination intensity are presented. Mechanism of light-induced desorption of H2O from SbSI nanowires’ surface is discussed. |
Mistewicz, K; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Jesionek, M; Paszkiewicz, R SbSI Single Nanowires as Humidity Sensors Journal Article Acta Physica Polonica A, 126 (5), pp. 1113-1114, 2014. @article{mistewicz2014sbsi, title = {SbSI Single Nanowires as Humidity Sensors}, author = {K. Mistewicz and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and M. Jesionek and R. Paszkiewicz}, url = {http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/126/a126z5p16.pdf}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1113}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {126}, number = {5}, pages = {1113-1114}, publisher = {Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science}, abstract = {For the first time influence of humidity on photoconductivity transient characteristics are studied for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) single nanowires. While negative photoconductivity is observed for SbSI gel, made up of large quantity of nanowires, only the positive effect occurs for SbSI single nanowires. Photoconductivity current response on switching on and off illumination in moist N2 represents so-called hook anomaly.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } For the first time influence of humidity on photoconductivity transient characteristics are studied for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) single nanowires. While negative photoconductivity is observed for SbSI gel, made up of large quantity of nanowires, only the positive effect occurs for SbSI single nanowires. Photoconductivity current response on switching on and off illumination in moist N2 represents so-called hook anomaly. |
Nowak, M; Nowrot, A; Szperlich, P; Jesionek, M; Kępińska, M; Starczewska, A; Mistewicz, K; Stróż, D; Szala, J; Rzychoń, T; Talik, E; Wrzalik, R Fabrication and characterization of SbSI gel for humidity sensors Journal Article Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 210 (0), pp. 119 - 130, 2014, ISSN: 0924-4247. @article{Nowak2014119, title = {Fabrication and characterization of SbSI gel for humidity sensors}, author = { M. Nowak and A. Nowrot and P. Szperlich and M. Jesionek and M. Kępińska and A. Starczewska and K. Mistewicz and D. Stróż and J. Szala and T. Rzychoń and E. Talik and R. Wrzalik}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924424714000764}, doi = {10.1016/j.sna.2014.02.012}, issn = {0924-4247}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical}, volume = {210}, number = {0}, pages = {119 - 130}, abstract = {A sonochemical method for direct preparation in water of a gel consisted of nanocrystalline antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires is presented for the first time. The product was characterized by using techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, optical diffuse reflection spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy. The electrical properties of the fabricated nanomaterial have been investigated, too. The nanowires are a semiconducting ferroelectric with Curie constant equal C = 1.41(14) × 10^4 K and Curie temperature equal TC = 293.0(2) K. The indirect allowed energy band gap of this material is EgIa = 1.880(2) eV. Such prepared SbSI nanowires have optical and electrical properties suitable for ferroelectric nanosensors.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } A sonochemical method for direct preparation in water of a gel consisted of nanocrystalline antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires is presented for the first time. The product was characterized by using techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, optical diffuse reflection spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy. The electrical properties of the fabricated nanomaterial have been investigated, too. The nanowires are a semiconducting ferroelectric with Curie constant equal C = 1.41(14) × 10^4 K and Curie temperature equal TC = 293.0(2) K. The indirect allowed energy band gap of this material is EgIa = 1.880(2) eV. Such prepared SbSI nanowires have optical and electrical properties suitable for ferroelectric nanosensors. |
Szperlich, P; Nowak, M; Jesionek, M; Starczewska, A; Mistewicz, K; Szala, J Desorption of Gasses Induced by Ferroelectric Transition in SbSI Nanowires Journal Article Acta Physica Polonica A, 126 (5), pp. 1110-1112, 2014. @article{szperlich2014desorption, title = {Desorption of Gasses Induced by Ferroelectric Transition in SbSI Nanowires}, author = {P. Szperlich and M. Nowak and M. Jesionek and A. Starczewska and K. Mistewicz and J. Szala}, url = {http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/126/a126z5p15.pdf}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1110}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {126}, number = {5}, pages = {1110-1112}, publisher = {Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science}, abstract = {For the first time the thermal desorption of H2, N2, O2 and CO2 is presented for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) xerogel made up of large quantity nanowires. The desorption has been observed near ferroelectric phase transition established at Tc = 293.0(2) K. The Sievert measurements have shown that the hydrogen uptake is linear function of H2 pressure (when p < 1.1 × 10^5 Pa). The hydrogen storage density in SbSI gel amounted 1.24 × 10^-2 wt% (for p = 1.08 × 10^5 Pa at room temperature).}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } For the first time the thermal desorption of H2, N2, O2 and CO2 is presented for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) xerogel made up of large quantity nanowires. The desorption has been observed near ferroelectric phase transition established at Tc = 293.0(2) K. The Sievert measurements have shown that the hydrogen uptake is linear function of H2 pressure (when p < 1.1 × 10^5 Pa). The hydrogen storage density in SbSI gel amounted 1.24 × 10^-2 wt% (for p = 1.08 × 10^5 Pa at room temperature). |
Mistewicz, K; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Nowrot, A Humidity Sensing Using SbSI Nanophotodetectors Inproceedings Frontiers in Optics 2014, pp. JTu3A.31, Optical Society of America, 2014, ISBN: 1-55752-286-3. @inproceedings{Mistewicz:14, title = {Humidity Sensing Using SbSI Nanophotodetectors}, author = {K. Mistewicz and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and A. Nowrot}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=LS-2014-JTu3A.31}, doi = {10.1364/FIO.2014.JTu3A.31}, isbn = {1-55752-286-3}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, journal = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, pages = {JTu3A.31}, publisher = {Optical Society of America}, abstract = {This paper shows usability of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires as photoconductive humidity sensors. Qualitatively different photoconductivity transient characteristics for low, and high humidity have been observed. Desorption of H2O from SbSI nanowires surface is reported.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } This paper shows usability of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires as photoconductive humidity sensors. Qualitatively different photoconductivity transient characteristics for low, and high humidity have been observed. Desorption of H2O from SbSI nanowires surface is reported. |
Starczewska, A; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Bednarczyk, I; Mistewicz, K; Kępińska, M; Duka, P Antimony Sulfoiodide as Novel Material for Photonic Crystals Inproceedings Frontiers in Optics 2014, pp. JW3A.28, Optical Society of America, 2014, ISBN: 1-55752-286-3. @inproceedings{Starczewska:14, title = {Antimony Sulfoiodide as Novel Material for Photonic Crystals}, author = {A. Starczewska and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and I. Bednarczyk and K. Mistewicz and M. Kępińska and P. Duka}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=LS-2014-JW3A.28}, doi = {10.1364/FIO.2014.JW3A.28}, isbn = {1-55752-286-3}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, journal = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, pages = {JW3A.28}, publisher = {Optical Society of America}, abstract = {Semiconducting ferroelectrics promise construction of crystals with tuned photonic band gap. Such structures were synthesized by self-assembling SiO2 spheres, followed by melt infiltration with antimony sulfoiodide and the removal of SiO2 spheres by chemical etching.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } Semiconducting ferroelectrics promise construction of crystals with tuned photonic band gap. Such structures were synthesized by self-assembling SiO2 spheres, followed by melt infiltration with antimony sulfoiodide and the removal of SiO2 spheres by chemical etching. |
2013 |
Starczewska, A; Szala, J; Kępińska, M; Nowak, M; Mistewicz, K; Sozańska, M Comparison of the investigations of photonic crystals using SEM and optical technics Journal Article Solid State Phenomena, 197 , pp. 119124, 2013. @article{Starczewska, title = {Comparison of the investigations of photonic crystals using SEM and optical technics}, author = {A. Starczewska and J. Szala and M. Kępińska and M. Nowak and K. Mistewicz and M. Sozańska}, url = {http://www.scientific.net/SSP.197.119}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.197.119}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-02-01}, journal = {Solid State Phenomena}, volume = {197}, pages = {119124}, abstract = {All over the world the investigations of nanophotonic structures called photonic crystals (PCs) are performed. These crystals have potential applications in optoelectronics, e.g. optical filters, antireflective surface coatings, lossless frequency selective mirrors. In Institute of Physics at Silesian Technical University the opal photonic crystals consisting of monodisperse spherical particles, that have diameters of several hundred nanometers, are produced using colloidal self-assembly technics. The main aim of this work is the comparison between pieces of information on morphology of photonic crystals that can be obtained from electron microscopy and from the angular characteristics of optical transmittance and reflectance. The morphology of the samples is characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nanosphere diameters are established from statistical analysis of SEM images. The optical properties, which are determined by the photonic band structure, are studied by means of light transmission and reflection measurements. There is a relationship between the wavelength position of transmittance minimum or reflectance maximum and the diameter of the nanospheres. The size of nanospheres obtained from optical measurement results were compared with data obtained from SEM images.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } All over the world the investigations of nanophotonic structures called photonic crystals (PCs) are performed. These crystals have potential applications in optoelectronics, e.g. optical filters, antireflective surface coatings, lossless frequency selective mirrors. In Institute of Physics at Silesian Technical University the opal photonic crystals consisting of monodisperse spherical particles, that have diameters of several hundred nanometers, are produced using colloidal self-assembly technics. The main aim of this work is the comparison between pieces of information on morphology of photonic crystals that can be obtained from electron microscopy and from the angular characteristics of optical transmittance and reflectance. The morphology of the samples is characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nanosphere diameters are established from statistical analysis of SEM images. The optical properties, which are determined by the photonic band structure, are studied by means of light transmission and reflection measurements. There is a relationship between the wavelength position of transmittance minimum or reflectance maximum and the diameter of the nanospheres. The size of nanospheres obtained from optical measurement results were compared with data obtained from SEM images. |
Mistewicz, K; Nowak, M; Wrzalik, R; Jesionek, M; Szperlich, P; Paszkiewicz, R; Guiseppi-Elie, A Quantum Effects in Electrical Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Single SbSI Nanowire Journal Article Acta Physica Polonica A, 124 (5), pp. 827-828, 2013. @article{mistewicza2013quantum, title = {Quantum Effects in Electrical Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Single SbSI Nanowire}, author = {K. Mistewicz and M. Nowak and R. Wrzalik and M. Jesionek and P. Szperlich and R. Paszkiewicz and A. Guiseppi-Elie}, url = {http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/124/a124z5p20.pdf}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.124.827}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-01-01}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {124}, number = {5}, pages = {827-828}, abstract = {For the first time current quantization is reported for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires. It has been registered in current responses on electric field switching as well as on illumination on and off. Current steps determined in all experiments have been equal to each other within the experimental error. It has been explained by the quantized change of free carrier concentration in nanowire. Lateral dimensions of SbSI nanowires estimated from quantum steps are comparable with geometrical data reported for the same technology of material preparation.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } For the first time current quantization is reported for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires. It has been registered in current responses on electric field switching as well as on illumination on and off. Current steps determined in all experiments have been equal to each other within the experimental error. It has been explained by the quantized change of free carrier concentration in nanowire. Lateral dimensions of SbSI nanowires estimated from quantum steps are comparable with geometrical data reported for the same technology of material preparation. |
2012 |
Starczewska, A; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Toroń, B; Mistewicz, K; Stróż, D; Szala, J Influence of humidity on impedance of SbSI gel Journal Article SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 183 , pp. 34-42, 2012, ISSN: 0924-4247. @article{ISI:000307032600006, title = {Influence of humidity on impedance of SbSI gel}, author = {A. Starczewska and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and B. Toroń and K. Mistewicz and D. Stróż and J. Szala}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924424712003809}, doi = {10.1016/j.sna.2012.06.009}, issn = {0924-4247}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-08-01}, journal = {SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL}, volume = {183}, pages = {34-42}, abstract = {This paper presents the effect of water vapor on the electrical response of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires obtained sonochemically to explore its application as a humidity sensor. For the first time this material has been studied using impedance spectroscopy. The measurements have been made in nitrogen for various humidities and temperatures. The real part of the total complex impedance is found to decrease by three orders of magnitude with the increase of humidity from 10% to 85%. Influence of temperature and humidity on relaxation time of SbSI is reported. The least square fitting of the Nyquist characteristics of the investigated gel allowed one to distinguish between different equivalent electric models of the SbSI gel. The changes of the parameters of the model with increasing temperature and humidity are presented. The polarization of water molecules is shown to be a major contributor to the capacitance-temperature characteristics of SbSI gel. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } This paper presents the effect of water vapor on the electrical response of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires obtained sonochemically to explore its application as a humidity sensor. For the first time this material has been studied using impedance spectroscopy. The measurements have been made in nitrogen for various humidities and temperatures. The real part of the total complex impedance is found to decrease by three orders of magnitude with the increase of humidity from 10% to 85%. Influence of temperature and humidity on relaxation time of SbSI is reported. The least square fitting of the Nyquist characteristics of the investigated gel allowed one to distinguish between different equivalent electric models of the SbSI gel. The changes of the parameters of the model with increasing temperature and humidity are presented. The polarization of water molecules is shown to be a major contributor to the capacitance-temperature characteristics of SbSI gel. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |