Stanowisko: adiunkt dydaktyczny Telefon: +48 32 603 4264 Email: Piotr.Duka@polsl.pl Adres: ul. Krasińskiego 8, p.263 PL-40-019 Katowice |
Zainteresowania naukowe:
- Modelowanie numeryczne procesów fizycznych
- Symulacja komputerowa rozkładu temperatury w materiale poddanym obróbce laserowej (programy MATHEMATICA, ELMER)
- Obwody RLC w diagnostyce i eksploatacji maszyn (program MATHEMATICA)
- Obliczanie fotonicznej struktury pasmowej kryształów fotonicznych (program MPB (MIT Photonic Band))
- Symulowanie transmisji fal elektromagnetycznych w kryształach fotonicznych (program MEEP (MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation))
- Wyznaczanie optycznych i mechanicznych właściwości materiałów (program ABINIT (wstępne obliczenia testowe))
2018 |
Nowak, M; Jesionek, M; Solecka, B; Szperlich, P; Duka, P; Starczewska, A Contactless photomagnetoelectric investigations of 2D semiconductors Journal Article Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9 , pp. 2741-2749, 2018, ISSN: 2190-4286. @article{Nowak2018, title = {Contactless photomagnetoelectric investigations of 2D semiconductors}, author = {M. Nowak and M. Jesionek and B. Solecka and P. Szperlich and P. Duka and A. Starczewska}, url = {https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/articles/9/256}, doi = {10.3762/bjnano.9.256}, issn = {2190-4286}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, journal = {Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology}, volume = {9}, pages = {2741-2749}, abstract = {Background: Applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials in electronic devices require the development of appropriate measuring methods for determining their typical semiconductor parameters, i.e., mobility and carrier lifetime. Among these methods, contactless techniques and mobility extraction methods based on field-effect measurements are of great importance. Results: Here we show a contactless method for determining these parameters in 2D semiconductors that is based on the photomagnetoelectric (PME) effect (also known as the photoelectromagnetic effect). We present calculated dependences of the PME magnetic moment, evoked in 2D Corbino configuration, on the magnetic field as well as on the intensity and spatial distribution of illumination. The theoretical predictions agree with the results of the contactless investigations performed on non-suspended single-layer graphene. We use the contactless PME method for determining the dependence of carrier mobility on the concentration of electrons and holes induced by a back-gate voltage. Conclusion: The presented contactless PME method, used in Corbino geometry, is complementary to the mobility extraction methods based on field-effect measurements. It can be used for determining the mobility and diffusion length of carriers in different 2D materials. Keywords: carrier mobility; contactless investigations; graphene; photomagnetoelectric effect; 2D materials}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Background: Applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials in electronic devices require the development of appropriate measuring methods for determining their typical semiconductor parameters, i.e., mobility and carrier lifetime. Among these methods, contactless techniques and mobility extraction methods based on field-effect measurements are of great importance. Results: Here we show a contactless method for determining these parameters in 2D semiconductors that is based on the photomagnetoelectric (PME) effect (also known as the photoelectromagnetic effect). We present calculated dependences of the PME magnetic moment, evoked in 2D Corbino configuration, on the magnetic field as well as on the intensity and spatial distribution of illumination. The theoretical predictions agree with the results of the contactless investigations performed on non-suspended single-layer graphene. We use the contactless PME method for determining the dependence of carrier mobility on the concentration of electrons and holes induced by a back-gate voltage. Conclusion: The presented contactless PME method, used in Corbino geometry, is complementary to the mobility extraction methods based on field-effect measurements. It can be used for determining the mobility and diffusion length of carriers in different 2D materials. Keywords: carrier mobility; contactless investigations; graphene; photomagnetoelectric effect; 2D materials |
2015 |
Żurek, Z H; Duka, P RLC circuits for material testing and NDT Book KOMEL, 2015, ISBN: 978-83-931909-8-0. @book{duka_komel, title = {RLC circuits for material testing and NDT}, author = {Z. H. Żurek and P. Duka}, url = {http://www.komel.katowice.pl/ksiazki.html http://www.wydawnictwopolitechniki.pl/Obwody-RLC-w-diagnostyce-i-eksploatacji-maszyn;s,karta,id,1611}, isbn = {978-83-931909-8-0}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-01-01}, publisher = {KOMEL}, abstract = {Przypominając podstawowe równania pomiarów magneto-indukcyjnych próbki cylindrycznej wraz z warunkami brzegowymi i rozwiązaniami schematu pomiarowego z cewką pomiarową z rdzeniem w postaci badanej próbki materiału, autorzy monografii zaproponowali odmienną od klasycznych badań wiroprądowych nieciągłości geometrycznych, wielopunktową procedurę oceny krzywej trwałości materiału z pomiarów dla szerokiego w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości prądu wzbudzenia. Zdefiniowano w ten sposób i zaproponowano dogodny parametr diagnostyki magnetycznej wskazujący na rozwój uszkodzeń zmęczeniowych. Parametrem wyjściowym są zmiany unormowanych składowych impedancji cewki pomiarowej zdefiniowane przez Förstera dla badań materiałów i pęknięć prądami wirowymi a odejście od pierwotnego opisu zmian częstotliwości w postaci dało parametr o wymiarze 3D (spektroskopia impedancji) Sposób ten eliminuje wiele trudności związanych z jednoparametrycznym (przenikalność magnetyczna, przewodność elektryczna) badaniem stopnia degradacji polegających na nakładaniu się mierzonych wartości parametrów w różnych przedziałach czasowych eksploatacji (zgłoszenia patentowe). Wartym podkreślania jest potwierdzenie możliwości stosowania pomiarowych mostków RLC do badań nieniszczących, obniżając o rząd wielkości koszty aparatury i badań oraz czyniąc je powszechnie dostępnymi. Metoda jest na tyle uniwersalna, że może być stosowana do badania materiałów ich struktur a nawet podzespołów i maszyn elektrycznych.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Przypominając podstawowe równania pomiarów magneto-indukcyjnych próbki cylindrycznej wraz z warunkami brzegowymi i rozwiązaniami schematu pomiarowego z cewką pomiarową z rdzeniem w postaci badanej próbki materiału, autorzy monografii zaproponowali odmienną od klasycznych badań wiroprądowych nieciągłości geometrycznych, wielopunktową procedurę oceny krzywej trwałości materiału z pomiarów dla szerokiego w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości prądu wzbudzenia. Zdefiniowano w ten sposób i zaproponowano dogodny parametr diagnostyki magnetycznej wskazujący na rozwój uszkodzeń zmęczeniowych. Parametrem wyjściowym są zmiany unormowanych składowych impedancji cewki pomiarowej zdefiniowane przez Förstera dla badań materiałów i pęknięć prądami wirowymi a odejście od pierwotnego opisu zmian częstotliwości w postaci dało parametr o wymiarze 3D (spektroskopia impedancji) Sposób ten eliminuje wiele trudności związanych z jednoparametrycznym (przenikalność magnetyczna, przewodność elektryczna) badaniem stopnia degradacji polegających na nakładaniu się mierzonych wartości parametrów w różnych przedziałach czasowych eksploatacji (zgłoszenia patentowe). Wartym podkreślania jest potwierdzenie możliwości stosowania pomiarowych mostków RLC do badań nieniszczących, obniżając o rząd wielkości koszty aparatury i badań oraz czyniąc je powszechnie dostępnymi. Metoda jest na tyle uniwersalna, że może być stosowana do badania materiałów ich struktur a nawet podzespołów i maszyn elektrycznych. |
2014 |
Starczewska, A; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P; Bednarczyk, I; Mistewicz, K; Kępińska, M; Duka, P Antimony Sulfoiodide as Novel Material for Photonic Crystals Inproceedings Frontiers in Optics 2014, pp. JW3A.28, Optical Society of America, 2014, ISBN: 1-55752-286-3. @inproceedings{Starczewska:14, title = {Antimony Sulfoiodide as Novel Material for Photonic Crystals}, author = {A. Starczewska and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich and I. Bednarczyk and K. Mistewicz and M. Kępińska and P. Duka}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=LS-2014-JW3A.28}, doi = {10.1364/FIO.2014.JW3A.28}, isbn = {1-55752-286-3}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, journal = {Frontiers in Optics 2014}, pages = {JW3A.28}, publisher = {Optical Society of America}, abstract = {Semiconducting ferroelectrics promise construction of crystals with tuned photonic band gap. Such structures were synthesized by self-assembling SiO2 spheres, followed by melt infiltration with antimony sulfoiodide and the removal of SiO2 spheres by chemical etching.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } Semiconducting ferroelectrics promise construction of crystals with tuned photonic band gap. Such structures were synthesized by self-assembling SiO2 spheres, followed by melt infiltration with antimony sulfoiodide and the removal of SiO2 spheres by chemical etching. |
Kępińska, M; Starczewska, A; Duka, P; Nowak, M; Szperlich, P Optical Properties of SbSI photonic crystals Journal Article Acta Physica Polonica A, 126 (5), pp. 1115-1117, 2014. @article{kkepinska2014optical, title = {Optical Properties of SbSI photonic crystals}, author = {M. Kępińska and A. Starczewska and P. Duka and M. Nowak and P. Szperlich}, url = {http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/126/a126z5p17.pdf}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.126.1115}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, volume = {126}, number = {5}, pages = {1115-1117}, publisher = {Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science}, abstract = {This paper presents optical properties of SiO2 opals infiltrated with SbSI and inverted SbSI opals for the first time. Registered reflectance spectra exhibit Bragg's peaks connected with photonic band gap. Calculated photonic band structure has been compared with experimental results.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } This paper presents optical properties of SiO2 opals infiltrated with SbSI and inverted SbSI opals for the first time. Registered reflectance spectra exhibit Bragg's peaks connected with photonic band gap. Calculated photonic band structure has been compared with experimental results. |
2011 |
Kępińska, M; Nowak, M; Duka, P; Kotyczka-Morańska, M; Szperlich, P Optical properties of SbI3 single crystalline platelets Journal Article Optical Materials, 33 (11), pp. 1753 - 1759, 2011, ISSN: 0925-3467. @article{Kępińska20111753, title = {Optical properties of SbI3 single crystalline platelets}, author = {M. Kępińska and M. Nowak and P. Duka and M. Kotyczka-Morańska and P. Szperlich}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925346711003223}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2011.06.009}, issn = {0925-3467}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {Optical Materials}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {1753 - 1759}, abstract = {Optical parameters of platelets of crystalline antimony triiodide (SbI3) have been evaluated using spectrogoniometric interference spectroscopy technique. Spectral characteristics of real parts of refractive indices of radiation with electric vector normal and parallel to the optical c-axis of SbI3 crystalline platelets (i.e. no, ne – refractive indices for ordinary and extraordinary rays) have been shown. The temperature dependences of spectra of optical parameters (no and absorption coefficient of radiation with electric vector normal to the optical c-axis) have been presented. The temperature dependences of fitted optical indirect allowed energy gap of SbI3, Urbach energy and phonons energies are the main findings of the presented work. The obtained results have been compared with literature data.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Optical parameters of platelets of crystalline antimony triiodide (SbI3) have been evaluated using spectrogoniometric interference spectroscopy technique. Spectral characteristics of real parts of refractive indices of radiation with electric vector normal and parallel to the optical c-axis of SbI3 crystalline platelets (i.e. no, ne – refractive indices for ordinary and extraordinary rays) have been shown. The temperature dependences of spectra of optical parameters (no and absorption coefficient of radiation with electric vector normal to the optical c-axis) have been presented. The temperature dependences of fitted optical indirect allowed energy gap of SbI3, Urbach energy and phonons energies are the main findings of the presented work. The obtained results have been compared with literature data. |
2009 |
Kępińska, M; Nowak, M; Duka, P; Kauch, B Spectrogoniometric determination of refractive indices of GaSe Journal Article Thin Solid Films, 517 (13), pp. 3792 - 3796, 2009, ISSN: 0040-6090. @article{Kępińska20093792, title = {Spectrogoniometric determination of refractive indices of GaSe}, author = {M. Kępińska and M. Nowak and P. Duka and B. Kauch}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040609009000716}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2009.01.069}, issn = {0040-6090}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {Thin Solid Films}, volume = {517}, number = {13}, pages = {3792 - 3796}, abstract = {A simple interference spectroscopy technique of determining real parts of refractive indices in thin isotropic or anisotropic films is presented. This method is based on the evaluation of the orders of extrema in interference spectra of optical transmittance and/or reflectance measured for various angles of light incidence. It also makes possible to determine thickness of the investigated sample. This method of investigations was used to determine the parameters of gallium selenide (GaSe). The determined spectral characteristics of ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices of GaSe are compared with the data presented in literature by other authors.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } A simple interference spectroscopy technique of determining real parts of refractive indices in thin isotropic or anisotropic films is presented. This method is based on the evaluation of the orders of extrema in interference spectra of optical transmittance and/or reflectance measured for various angles of light incidence. It also makes possible to determine thickness of the investigated sample. This method of investigations was used to determine the parameters of gallium selenide (GaSe). The determined spectral characteristics of ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices of GaSe are compared with the data presented in literature by other authors. |
Nowak, M; Mroczek, P; Duka, P; Kidawa, A; Szperlich, P; Grabowski, A; Szala, J; Moskal, G Using of textured polycrystalline SbSI in actuators Journal Article Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 150 (2), pp. 251 - 256, 2009, ISSN: 0924-4247. @article{Nowak2009251, title = {Using of textured polycrystalline SbSI in actuators}, author = {M. Nowak and P. Mroczek and P. Duka and A. Kidawa and P. Szperlich and A. Grabowski and J. Szala and G. Moskal}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924424709000089}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2009.01.005}, issn = {0924-4247}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators A: Physical}, volume = {150}, number = {2}, pages = {251 - 256}, abstract = {This paper presents the design and fabrication of a light deflector made from textured polycrystalline antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) obtained by gradient freezing during the rapid quenching from the liquid state. The piezoelectric and electrostriction parameters of the textured polycrystalline SbSI are evaluated from the reflection measurements. First time the electrostrictive constant of this material (4.6(1)x10^−13 m^2/V^2) is reported.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } This paper presents the design and fabrication of a light deflector made from textured polycrystalline antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) obtained by gradient freezing during the rapid quenching from the liquid state. The piezoelectric and electrostriction parameters of the textured polycrystalline SbSI are evaluated from the reflection measurements. First time the electrostrictive constant of this material (4.6(1)x10^−13 m^2/V^2) is reported. |
2003 |
Duka, P; Nowak, M; Solecka, B Influence of acousto-optical modulation of laser radiation on the results of contactless photoelectromagnetic investigations Journal Article Proc. SPIE, 5229 , pp. 329-333, 2003. @article{doi:10.1117/12.520772, title = {Influence of acousto-optical modulation of laser radiation on the results of contactless photoelectromagnetic investigations}, author = {P. Duka and M. Nowak and B. Solecka}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.520772}, doi = {10.1117/12.520772}, year = {2003}, date = {2003-01-01}, journal = {Proc. SPIE}, volume = {5229}, pages = {329-333}, abstract = {The contactless photoelectromagnetic (PEM) method of determining carrier lifetimes in semiconductors needs high frequency modulation of laser light. Recently the acoustooptical modulation technique was used for this purpose. In this paper the influence of frequency of acoustooptical modulation on time dependence of intensity of laser light was examined. One can recognize the importance of taking into account in contactless PEM investigations of carrier lifetime the dependence of amplitude of illumination on frequency of laser beam acoustooptical modulation.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The contactless photoelectromagnetic (PEM) method of determining carrier lifetimes in semiconductors needs high frequency modulation of laser light. Recently the acoustooptical modulation technique was used for this purpose. In this paper the influence of frequency of acoustooptical modulation on time dependence of intensity of laser light was examined. One can recognize the importance of taking into account in contactless PEM investigations of carrier lifetime the dependence of amplitude of illumination on frequency of laser beam acoustooptical modulation. |
2000 |
Duka, P; Gluza, J; Zrałek, M Quantization and Renormalization of the Manifest Left–Right Symmetric Model of Electroweak Interactions Journal Article Annals of Physics, 280 (2), pp. 336 - 408, 2000, ISSN: 0003-4916. @article{Duka2000336, title = {Quantization and Renormalization of the Manifest Left–Right Symmetric Model of Electroweak Interactions}, author = {P. Duka and J. Gluza and M. Zrałek}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003491699959882}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/aphy.1999.5988}, issn = {0003-4916}, year = {2000}, date = {2000-01-01}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, volume = {280}, number = {2}, pages = {336 - 408}, abstract = {Quantization and renormalization of the left–right symmetric model is the main purpose of the paper. First the model at tree level with a Higgs sector containing one bidoublet and two triplets is precisely discussed. Then the canonical quantization and Faddeev–Popov Lagrangian are carried out ('t Hooft gauge). The BRST symmetry is discussed. Subsequently the on-mass-shell renormalization is performed and, as a test of consistency, the renormalization of the ZNiNj vertex is analyzed.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Quantization and renormalization of the left–right symmetric model is the main purpose of the paper. First the model at tree level with a Higgs sector containing one bidoublet and two triplets is precisely discussed. Then the canonical quantization and Faddeev–Popov Lagrangian are carried out ('t Hooft gauge). The BRST symmetry is discussed. Subsequently the on-mass-shell renormalization is performed and, as a test of consistency, the renormalization of the ZNiNj vertex is analyzed. |
1998 |
Duka, P; Gluza, J; Zrałek, M Influence of the left-handed part of the neutrino mass matrix on the lepton number violating e−e−→W−W− process Journal Article Phys. Rev. D, 58 , pp. 053009, 1998. @article{PhysRevD.58.053009, title = {Influence of the left-handed part of the neutrino mass matrix on the lepton number violating e−e−→W−W− process}, author = {P. Duka and J. Gluza and M. Zrałek}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.58.053009}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.58.053009}, year = {1998}, date = {1998-08-01}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {58}, pages = {053009}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, abstract = {The influence of the neutrino mass submatrix ML on the e−e−→W−W− process is discussed. Taking into account various possible CP signatures of heavy neutrinos it is shown that, in some cases, a nonzero ML substantially changes predictions for maximum possible values of the e−e−→W−W− cross section. The direct role of the ω2 parameter (coming from neutrinoless double-beta decay) is clarified. The consequences of doubly charged Higgs particles (δ−−) with resonances still far away from energies of the future linear lepton collider (s√=0.5–1TeV) are studied.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The influence of the neutrino mass submatrix ML on the e−e−→W−W− process is discussed. Taking into account various possible CP signatures of heavy neutrinos it is shown that, in some cases, a nonzero ML substantially changes predictions for maximum possible values of the e−e−→W−W− cross section. The direct role of the ω2 parameter (coming from neutrinoless double-beta decay) is clarified. The consequences of doubly charged Higgs particles (δ−−) with resonances still far away from energies of the future linear lepton collider (s√=0.5–1TeV) are studied. |
1994 |
Czyż, H; Duka, P; Zrałek, M What do we count in the e+e−→Z neutrino counting experiment? Journal Article Phys. Rev. D, 49 , pp. 4941–4944, 1994. @article{PhysRevD.49.4941, title = {What do we count in the e+e−→Z neutrino counting experiment?}, author = {H. Czyż and P. Duka and M. Zrałek}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.49.4941}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.49.4941}, year = {1994}, date = {1994-05-01}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {49}, pages = {4941--4944}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, abstract = {We find that the difference between Nν=ΓinvΓSMν¯ν and N¯ν=ΓinvΓl¯lΓSMl¯lΓSMν¯ν can be used as an indicator of possible extensions of the standard model. This test will be possible, however, only after the top-quark mass measurement. We illustrate our point by an example of a left-right symmetric model with the Higgs sector containing one bidoublet and two triplets and the additional assumption that there is no fine-tuning in neutrino Yukawa couplings. If this is the case, the difference between Nν and N¯ν could be a test for the bidoublet contents, assuming that nonstandard radiative corrections are negligible.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We find that the difference between Nν=ΓinvΓSMν¯ν and N¯ν=ΓinvΓl¯lΓSMl¯lΓSMν¯ν can be used as an indicator of possible extensions of the standard model. This test will be possible, however, only after the top-quark mass measurement. We illustrate our point by an example of a left-right symmetric model with the Higgs sector containing one bidoublet and two triplets and the additional assumption that there is no fine-tuning in neutrino Yukawa couplings. If this is the case, the difference between Nν and N¯ν could be a test for the bidoublet contents, assuming that nonstandard radiative corrections are negligible. |